Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rounds 2 and 3

Not that I have said anything offensive but the Chinese do not allow access to my blog from within China. I guess I could say something offensive about that but .....

So for the technofiles out there I am remote desktopped into the DBBC Computer and doing all of this through that medium but it is a bit slow.


I went out for the first hour of the match against Netherlands (Team Orange). When I returned I logged on to which has all of the scoresheets 'live' from the table. The bad news was that we were 34 IMPS down - Yuk. My patience (not that I am known for this) was rewarded when we picked up 33 IMPS to draw the match against one of the more fancied teams. So despite not having a win the team was upbeat.

Little did we know....

Next was the match against USA 1 - certainly one of the fancied teams for the event. Katz, Jacobs, Garner Weinstein with Rosenberg Mahmood sitting out.

The match started quietly enough - 29 IMPS turned over in the first four boards without much in the match. The real action was about to come when we lost the match by 42 IMPS or 5-25. Unfortunately the one IMP on the last board cost us a VP.

In future I will have to discuss hands by referring to the website as trying to format them on this medium is very hard.

I am writing this using a wireless internet access at the Japanese restaurant near the venue. The team shared a Sashimi and Sushi followed by scallops, pork chops (not me) and other Japanese delicacies.

I for one am most tired. The captaining job while it sounds easy is very tiring. You don't get a match and the administrative duties are an important part of the job.

Tomorrow it will be Ireland USA2 and South Africa. No matches in this tournament .are easy but we will have played 4 of the fancied 8 teams after round 5. I don't see this as too positive and we will certainly have to get 40-50 tomorrow to stay in touch.

Wishing you all the best from a warm and humid Shanghai.


Paul Gipson said...


Just to say thanks for your postings. It's great to get a real-time view of the captain's job.

The Irish, who I know, had a tough day yesterday (Netherlands, USA1, USA2) so please go easy on them ... but give hell to USA2 and South Africa!

If you are a technofile you may be able to use firmit's site to generate HTML for hand diagrams.

Good luck,


Stacy Jacobs said...

Hi David,

Great blog -- just wanted to let you know I'm here in China and can access your blog with no difficulty.

Good luck today!

Stacy Jacobs

Steve said...

Hi David.

Good luck to our trans-Tasman friends, whom I will be supporting in every RR match they play (with the exception of the one against New Zealand :-)

My question is: why has the length of matches in the Bowl been reduced from 20 boards to 16? Has the WBF explained the rationale for its thinking here? (I totally oppose the move, btw.)

Auckland, New Zealand