We arived at the venue full of excitemnet and anticipation. We checked into the team room which we managed to get at the venue at the last minute. We will use this room as a base for players who are sitting out, scoreups and general chill out. It is full stocked with drinks, nuts, cheese, ham (for some) nd other comfort food. It is essential to have a home at the venue as being homeless simply adds one more layer of difficulty for the team to deal with.
Our hopes for a flying start were a little dampened by a 13-17 loss to Pakistan who we rated ourselves as some chance of beating. The 11 imps loss was about equally shared at both tables so nothing for the captain to do in terms of adjusting the lineup. Here is one board from the match:
Q 2
A J 5 2
K 2
10 9 8 3 2
10 7 5 A 9 6 4
K 7 4 10
9 7 6 5 4 3 A J 10 8
7 Q J 5 4
K J 8 3
Q 9 8 6 3
A K 6
The uninteresting auction led to 4H at both tables where both West's led the C7. At Warren;s table East ducked leaving declarer on dummy where he simply played HA and another hoping for hearts being 2-2 and making the contract. We can see that overtaking and finessing the club is the winning play as you can discard the club loser on the DK anyway. At the other table Murray covered dummy's club ten placing declarer in his hand and able to take the heart finesse. However, again fearing a club ruff declarer again played HA and another also going one down.
The next match is against Netherlands who are always a very tough unit to play against. Part of their success is constantly playing and practicing.
More soon
Sunday, September 30, 2007
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Hi David, The hand you published is not in a readable format.
I should tell you that due to censorship I cannot log on to my blog through a computer in Sydney. This makes it very difficult. From now on I will point to the hands. David
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